Hey out there! Hello and welcome to the all new and probably not so impressive Island Hopping website! I’m really sorry if you have been trying to get into the site and haven’t been able to.
I know it’s been down once again for a while now and I doubt I’ll ever be able to completely rebuild it, but I’ll keep plugging away at it. I recently have been guilty of neglecting my routine site maintenance and am now paying the price for my slothful ways. At one time this site was really beautiful and functioned fine, then it fell apart because of my ineptitude at making some changes, I made some temporary fixes, and now recently those fixes kind of fell by the way. So for a second time I have put up the old “under construction” sign and let it ride til I finally got over it. It’s not as pretty as it once was, but I think it’s fairly functional once again now. There should be more to come soon. The photos are less than complete and are not finished yet, so for now the stories will have to suffice as they are. HOWEVER, your best bet is to simply order the electronic version of the book and have it all right there in front you! Happy sails!
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