Captdrdave Songs

KEEP AN EYE OUT HERE FOR SOME OF MY TUNES (I’ll be adding more as time passes). I’ve written a number of songs over the years and wrote several while we were out cruising. I’m finally getting around to recording some of them and am going to try to get them posted here. I do all my own parts (guitar, harmonica, keyboard, voice). The drums and percussion are computer tracks.)

This first one is called “Spiders In Luperon”. We were anchored out in the middle of the bay in Luperón harbor for 8 months, a quarter mile from shore. It amazed me that those spiders just drifted in on the breeze and settled in up at the top of the mast.


Here’s one that I didn’t write but I really like it. It’s a fun one to do. It’s an old Howlin’ Wolf blues tune. It’s called ‘How Many More Years.”